10 tips for junior consultants

Evolving demands require consultants to be smarter, more collaborative and increasingly results-focused. We asked Sarah J. Beech, president of Pal Benefits, to provide some pointers for junior consultants.

1. Do your research. Before going to a meeting, do a quick search for the latest industry news, and look at the client’s website to see what’s happening at the organization.

2. Be prepared. Bring your business cards. Have an extra set of printed materials in case an additional person is at the meeting. Make sure you have cash: you might need it for a parking meter or lunch in the client’s cafeteria.

3. Listen. You may not be the spokesperson, but you’re not at a meeting simply to fill a chair. Listen carefully to everything that’s said and learn from the experience.

4. Ask questions. Make sure you really understand a client’s or fellow consultant’s request. Don’t simply take it at face value.

5. Gather feedback. You don’t have to wait until your annual performance review. Ask colleagues for their thoughts on how you presented yourself following a meeting or the conclusion of a project.

6. Know your business. Be familiar with all your firm’s offers, even those outside your practice. Read press releases and marketing materials, attend company lunch-and-learns, and scan the company website.

7. Stay current and relevant. Clients are relying on you to bring new, appropriate ideas to them.

8. Communicate effectively and appropriately. If you get no response from an email, phone your client to ensure he received it. Keep business and personal emails separate—not everyone needs to know what you did on the weekend.

9. Develop a team mentality. Listen for new challenges that your client needs help with and bring in other consultants as needed.

10. Get involved. Volunteer to lead a project. Make suggestions for improvement. Be part of the solution.

Marcia McDougall is a freelance writer and president of InteGreat Marketing PR Events. mmcdougall@integreatmarketing.com

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