Employees returning from a disability leave and their people managers have notably different perceptions about the return-to-work experience, according to recent research by Sun Life.
“On the employer side, we can assume they have the best of intentions, but our research indicates many may not be in tune with or aware of what employees’ needs actually are and the challenges they’re facing upon their return,” said Malcolm Millward, director of market insight and thought leadership at Sun Life, during a session at Benefits Canada’s 2024 Future of Work Summit.
Read: Options for supporting employees in the return to work
The insurer partnered with Ipsos to conduct two surveys, one for people managers who had recently managed an employee’s return-to-work process and one for employees who had returned from a disability leave. The surveys found that, while most people managers felt confident handling an employee’s return from leave, employees often felt less supported and had difficulty reintegrating into the workforce.
Three-quarters (76 per cent) of people managers said there was a documented plan in place for an employee’s return to work, but just 33 per cent of employees said the same. And while 95 per cent of people managers said they felt somewhat or very confident communicating with their team, 48 per cent of employees said they didn’t speak to their direct manager at least weekly about how their return was going and 47 per cent felt stigmatized at work for going on leave.
The research underscored the importance of accommodations, such as modified job duties or physical changes to the work station and a gradual return to work to help employees’ rebuild their routine and energy, said Millward. Almost all employees who were given those options deeply valued them, he noted, and were more likely to report having regular check-ins with their direct manager, feeling supported by their colleagues and manager in their return and having a clear plan in place if any return-to-work challenges emerged.
Read: How are pandemic reverberations affecting disability management programs, workplace accommodations?
But he also suggested accommodations be more broadly applied. The employee survey found only 44 per cent of those who’d come back from a leave said they were offered an accommodation plan and 50 per cent had a gradual return to work.
Millward recommended employers consider greater collaboration with an employee’s disability case manager, which could help with planning for accommodations. And he encouraged managers to speak openly with employees about their return — something the research indicated many tend to avoid.
“Many don’t want to make a mistake or risk offending or alienating the employee further, but that open, frequent dialogue is key.”
Read more coverage of the 2024 Future of Work Summit.