About the Survey
2023 marks the 26th anniversary of the Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey — Canada’s premier survey on workplace health benefits plans. Over the last 26 years, the report has captured the opinions of more than 38,000 Canadian members of group health benefits plans.
The survey’s purpose is “to provide information that does not currently exist, to help our partners in health care, whether they are plan sponsors, benefits consultants, insurance companies or pharmacy benefit managers, better meet the needs of Canadians that depend on them.”
What makes this research extremely valuable is that the results are discussed and analyzed by an advisory board of industry experts, including benefits consultants, insurance companies and plan sponsors, providing key insights into what the data means for the industry.
It all began in 1997, when pharmaceutical company Hoechst Marion Roussel (which eventually became Sanofi Canada), in association with Benefits Canada magazine, commissioned the first research and report.
For the first 10 years, the survey only polled plan members, but in 2008, it began surveying plan sponsor decision-makers, whose responses contribute invaluable context to the opinions of members. The identification of gaps and alignments between the two groups often lead to the most significant findings. We currently survey approximately 500 plan sponsor representatives each year.
In 2021, Sanofi Canada formally passed the ownership torch to its partner, Benefits Canada, remaining involved as the founding sponsor. Together with its sponsors and advisory board, Benefits Canada is excited to carry this valuable project into the future.
The Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey receives extensive coverage from Benefits Canada and Avantages across all our media platforms. The results are also widely cited and quoted by leading industry stakeholders and media.
We are very proud to produce this survey as part of our mission to “inform, connect and inspire through a variety of content specially designed to help business people, professionals and organizations develop and reach their full potential.”