Past Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey Reports and Events

2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey
Thursday, September 14, 2023
(1:00 – 3:15 PM ET)
The 2023 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey takes the pulse of benefits plan members’ personal health and behaviours and checks in with both members and plan sponsors for their perceptions of health benefits plans and workplace wellness supports. As we emerge from the shadow of the pandemic, the survey sheds light on how plan members have come to value their health benefits plan even more and the vital role of employers to support physical and mental health.
The Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey virtual events will feature presentations of the highlights and key takeaways from this year’s survey.

2022 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 (1:00 – 3:15 PM ET)
The 2022 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey takes the pulse of benefits plan members’ personal health and behaviours while checking in with plan sponsors on their perceptions of health benefits plans, workplace wellness supports and the workplace environment. Two years into the pandemic, the survey also demonstrates how COVID-19 has complicated matters on the one hand, while providing a clearer sense of direction on the other.
The Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey virtual events will feature presentations of the highlights and key takeaways from this year’s survey.

The 2021 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey webinar
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 (1:00 PM – 2:30 PM ET)
The 2021 Benefits Canada Healthcare Survey checked in with plan members and plan sponsors more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, capturing their opinions and preferences in the areas of health benefit plans, personal health and the work environment.
Benefits Canada surveyed 1,000 plan members and more than 500 plan sponsors in June 2021. In addition to exploring the impact of COVID-19, the survey builds upon more than 20 years of historical survey data.

2020 edition of The Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey Webinar
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Sanofi Canada is very proud to produce The Sanofi Canada Healthcare Survey. Sanofi is a leading global pharmaceutical company with therapeutic solutions in many areas, including diabetes, oncology, cardiology, internal medicine and vaccines. This year marks the survey’s 23rd anniversary, and it is by far the longest-running survey of private health benefit plans in Canada. This year’s survey findings are broken down into four main sections, as presented in the report. This webinar presented highlights from these four sections.