Home Archives February 2010

February 2010


During 2009, retirement savings frequently made headline news. The news stories all focused on the same question, regardless of whether it was asked in the…

Many countries are dealing with the issue of a significant savings shortfall for certain groups of individuals at or near retirement. Canada is one of…

A pension plan administrator has a legal obligation to invest plan assets prudently and in compliance with the quantitative limits on pension investments. Until recently,…

Roughly 18 months after the financial crisis, the economic fog is beginning to lift, but custodians still struggle with declining pension assets. In this year’s…

The February issue of Benefits Canada featured a roundtable with senior representatives from custody service providers on the issues and trends facing the industry. This…

Health benefits

Although David showed early symptoms in his late teens, he was only diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) once he was well established in his career.…


The escalation in psychological claims over the past 10 years has been dramatic. Experts now estimate that the cost represents approximately 40% of claims on…

For many, the January/February period is the toughest time of year. The holidays are over. Lingering credit card bills weigh heavily on the conscience—and the…

Capital accumulation plans

The market turmoil over the last year and a half has created significant interest in the sufficiency of retirement plans—specifically, in the defined contribution (DC)…