Home Archives January 2011

January 2011


As a plan sponsor, you have likely lived through at least one request for proposal (RFP) process—for payroll, insurance services, actuarial or benefits consulting, recordkeeping…

On the heels of recent high-profile pension insolvencies such as Nortel, a patchwork of confused and ill-conceived remedial legislation in 2010 is at various stages…

Health benefits

Employee health benefits plans in Canada have been adversely impacted to date by a slow uptake of e-health technology across the healthcare industry and inconsistencies…

Technological change is all around us, and many industries—such as media, banking and retail—have used it to significant advantage. The group benefits industry, however, has…


On the heels of recent high-profile pension insolvencies such as Nortel, a patchwork of confused and ill-conceived remedial legislation in 2010 is at various stages…

Defined benefit pensions

Small and medium-size institutional investors are increasingly utilizing exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to efficiently implement investment strategies that used to be the exclusive domain of large…

Nearly two million Canadians will retire over the next five years, according to figures from Statistics Canada. Not only will this massive influx of retiring…