Jennifer Krahn, owner, Image Evolution by Freedom Wigs

Jennifer Krahn is a mother and wife who lives an active lifestyle. She was diagnosed with alopecia areata 14 years ago. Before her diagnosis, she was a high school biology and math teacher, but left teaching and the opportunity to advance in her chosen career due to her alopecia areata diagnosis. As she navigated living with the disease, she discovered Freedom Wigs, a prothesis for those who suffer from medical hair loss. Before long, she began working for the organization as a consultant and now is a franchise owner, distributing Freedom Wigs for Ontario, Manitoba and Atlantic Canadians and returned to teaching high school biology and math. As someone living with alopecia areata, she understands the emotions that result from hair loss and through her work, hopes to be able to help other Canadians regain confidence and achieve a happy and productive life.