Ari Kaplan

Canada’s workplace pension system is going through a recalibration due in part to an aging population and demographic shifts, declining coverage and unpredictable financial markets. None of these is the fault of employ­ers, unions or pensioners. One result of the recalibration is the opportunity for pension stakeholders to innovate workplace pension plans. In the broader […]

  • May 6, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:02

We have consistently heard the desire of pension plan sponsors to minimize escalating pension costs. The comfort food being digested by some is to convert their plan from a defined benefit(DB)model to the more financially predictable defined contribution(DC)formula. While it is true that a sponsor will lessen its financial risks by converting to a DC […]

  • January 19, 2007 September 13, 2019
  • 00:00