Home Derek Dobson, CAAT Pension Plan

Derek Dobson, CAAT Pension Plan

Modern public sector pension plans share risk, most are fully funded, well-governed and superbly efficient at securing adequate retirement income at an affordable cost. Some commentators and lobby groups are stuck in the past, mistakenly concluding that public sector pension plans are on the whole unsustainable. And a research series by the Canadian Federation of […]

  • June 20, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:52

The idea was compelling. With the consent of its members, we looked to merge a  single-employer pension plan with a stable, jointly-governed multi-employer plan to create predictable costs and more secure benefits with lower risk. It was indeed compelling to the active members of the Royal Ontario Museum pension plan who overwhelmingly voted to join the post-secondary […]

  • March 2, 2016 September 13, 2019
  • 09:15