Prince Edward Island implements minimum wage hike

Prince Edward Island’s minimum wage will increase by 25 cents today, from $10.50 per hour to $10.75.

The PEI government said in a release that it monitors minimum wage rates elsewhere across Canada to ensure that its employees aren’t disadvantaged compared to their provincial neighbours. Today’s increase means that islanders earning minimum wage will earn more per hour than minimum wage earners in other Atlantic provinces.

Read: Minimum wage hike does more harm than good: think tank

In Oct. 2016, the minimum wage for employees in Prince Edward Island will increase again to $11 per hour.

The Employment Standards Act requires that the Employment Standards Board annually review the minimum wage rate. It makes recommendations on the minimum wage rate based on economic factors in the province and on input received from the public and stakeholders.

Check out our infographic to see how Canada’s provinces and territories stack up on minimum wage.
