The 2013 Vancouver Benefits & Pension Summit provided delegates with the information they need to reduce costs, create solutions, improve the workforce and manage risks. These stories highlight just a few of the sessions from this year’s summit.

Engagement: The lifeblood of communication
In our fast-paced world where we’re bombarded every single day with thousands of messages, it’s no wonder that conventional communication strategies are quickly becoming obsolete. How can employers cut through the babble? Read more…

Social media 101 for DC plans
Whether powerfully good or virally bad, social media is here and it’s time for plan sponsors to figure out how to use it to enthuse, educate and encourage members to boost their financial prowess. Read more…

Employee health and well-being: From myth to reality
BP Canada’s new benefits and wellness program goes a long way to getting employees to feel good about where the company is going. Learn about the journey from a 15-year-old disjointed benefits plan to an innovative, flexible and sustainable program. Read more…