© Copyright 2006 Rogers Publishing Ltd. The following article first appeared in the September 2005 edition of BENEFITS CANADA magazine.
Fact Check: Mental Math
Taking mental health to heart.
By Anna Sharratt

IMore Canadian CEOs than ever are making the connection between the mental health of their employees and their company’s bottom line—a reality many employees have been vocal about for a long time. A new survey of 114 CEOs—and 622 working Canadians—by FGIworld finds that stress, burnout and other physical and mental problems are leading to lower productivity.

Some highlights:

Percentage of CEOs that list “stress, burn-out or other physical and mental health problems” as the major causes of Canada’s unrealized workforce productivity: 66%

Percentage of working Canadians who feel the same way: 71%

Percentage of CEOs who feel poor “management practices” and a “lack of effective training programs” negatively impact productivity: 42% and 39% respectively

Percentage of employees who cite the same reasons: 59% and 48% respectively

Number of CEOs who say they are “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about the impact of poor health on their workforce: eight in 10

Percentage of CEOs who believe the costs of healthcare and disability will exceed what their employee programs provide: 71%

Percentage of CEOs who strongly or somewhat agree that baby boomer retirement poses a threat to their organization’s business capabilities over the next five years: 61%

Percentage who don’t see eldercare benefits programs as having an impact on productivity: 39%

Percentage of CEOs versus working Canadians who believe a diverse and multicultural workplace will positively impact the productivity of their workforce: 34% to 68%

Source: FGIworld, CEO Study: Productivity through Health, June 2005