New Brunswick pension task force seeks submissions

A three-member task force created by the New Brunswick government to review rules and regulations protecting private pensions in the province is inviting organizations and members of the public to share their views. In addition, the task force will invite stakeholders with specific pension expertise to share insights.

“New Brunswick is taking a leadership role in addressing an issue that is causing concern for governments across the country,” said Paul McCrossan, a member of the expert panel appointed by the provincial government last October. “Our objective is to put the province at the forefront of developing the tools that will offer long-term sustainability and security of pension plans.”

The task force will be examining issues around private pensions including:

• Rules protecting employees and pensioners.

• The long-term sustainability of pension promises made to workers.

• The effectiveness of structures meant to protect pension plans.

The task force will report back to government with their findings and recommendations. Submissions can be made via email at, or in writing to:

Pension Task Force
Attn: Justice and Consumer Affairs
Centennial Building
P. O. Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3B 5H1
Fax: 506-453-3651