Transitioning to retirement: Helping plan members

The industry often focuses on improving employee engagement in company retirement plans and educating employees on saving for retirement. Less
attention is given to the de-accumulation phase and how employees transition from one life stage to the other.

Plan sponsors and industry professionals give insight into the current practices and how these practices need to evolve.

As the workforce ages and an increasing number of employees move from full-time work into some aspect of retirement, plan sponsors are going to need to be ready for their questions.

The DB perspective
As the first set of baby boomers starting to retire in 2011, retirement questions about their pension, their working status, what to do next, etc., will become front and centre for sponsors of DB plans. Read more.

The new era of benefits for retirees
Approaching retirement can be an emotional time for some employees. Add to that the prospect of reduced or even the total elimination of health benefits, and boomers can be forgiven for reluctantly starting life as retiree. Read more.

Get the message out
Today’s plan sponsor is likely providing the bells and whistles for plan members to assess their retirement needs. Is more required? Read more.

Raising DC
The defined contribution (DC) market in Canada has some growing up to do when compared with markets in the U.S. and the U.K. In fact, according to Statistics Canada, only 37% of the country’s pension plans are DC. As more employers close their defined benefit (DB) plans and offer up DC alternatives, a growth spurt is expected—and needed—in the area of products and education to help plan members make a smooth transition into retirement. Read more.