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More than a third (36 per cent) of Canadian workers have been bothered by thoughts of death or self-harm over the past year, according to a new survey by Wysa Ltd. The survey, which polled more than 2,000 employees, found young people were especially at risk, with 56 per cent of Canadians aged 18 to 24 […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 16, 2024 July 16, 2024
  • 15:00

With wildfires raging across the country over the past weeks, employers can support affected employees by offering easily accessible tools and resources, flexible work schedules and extended wellness benefits, says Alex Boucher, principal consultant and total health management leader at Mercer Canada. Whether they’ve been removed from their homes or are worrying about smoke inhalation, employees are […]

Much has been written about how 2020 was unprecedented, challenging and exhausting — take your pick of adjectives. It was also a white-knuckle ride for many Canadian defined benefit plan sponsors as they watched the funded status of their pension plans plummet sharply and then rebound. Most plans’ funded statuses are now at, or even […]

The Tragedy of Greece

Greece's catch-22: a toxic deal or a disorderly exit.

  • July 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 18:19
A spoonful of sugar

How the EU could help the medicine go down in Greece.

  • July 15, 2015 September 13, 2019
  • 18:10
Greek Revival in the U.S. (Beware Municipals)

Given all the finger-pointing going on in the Eurozone, pundits provide a sober reminder that there will be few winners as this financial crisis unfolds.

VaR in Motion

Newer VaR models allow estimated portfolio volatility to change according to market conditions.