CHCAA raises fraud awareness

As part of Fraud Prevention Month, the Canadian Health Care Anti-fraud Association (CHCAA) is trying to raise awareness of the fight against fraud by spreading more information to the public.

“Healthcare fraud is often viewed as a victimless crime or at best one that is targeted at large organizations and not individuals; but the integrity of the health care system relies on the managers being vigilant and not letting fraud, waste and abuse steal precious dollars from everyday Canadians.” says Joel Alleyne, executive director of CHCAA, “In addition, when counterfeit drugs or unlicensed practitioners involved the health and (indeed) lives of Canadians can be at risk.”

Read: Fraud Prevention Month resources

The CHCAA is encouraging individuals to shred material with personal information, and to dispose of prescription bottles with their personal information safely and securely. It also advises individuals protect their benefit cards.

The organization also recommends that individuals keep invoices and receipts as well as a record of visits to healthcare practitioners; report benefit and billing statement discrepancies to their insurance company; and never sign blank insurance forms or provide blanket authorization to bill for services.

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