A majority (90 per cent) of U.S. workers have “rage applied” for a new job in the last six months, according to a new survey by Bold Ltd.
The survey, which polled more than 1,200 employees, found nearly nine in 10 (88 per cent) said they’ve experienced burnout, with roughly a quarter noting they think about quitting their job every day or weekly. In total, nearly half (47 per cent) of workers think about quitting at some point during their workweek and 86 per cent think about quitting their job at some point during the month.
Read: Employers can stave off ‘rage applying’ trend by focusing on employee well-being: experts
One in four respondents said they’ve experienced depression about their job. As a result of burnout, respondents said they’ve experienced increased anxiety/stress (32 per cent), frequent headaches (30 per cent), chronic muscle pain (25 per cent), sleep issues (23 per cent) and lower immunity from infections, such as colds and flu (23 per cent).
A majority also said burnout has caused them to have an outburst at work in the last six months (87 per cent), including yelling at a colleague (28 per cent), leaving work early (28 per cent), threatening to quit their job (27 per cent) and crying (18 per cent).
Roughly a quarter have taken a leave of absence due to stress (24 per cent), called in sick (20 per cent) or felt angry with their co-workers (20 per cent). When asked what would reduce their burnout, respondents cited earning more money (27 per cent), having more clarity about their role (22 per cent), more flexibility/autonomy with their schedule (21 per cent), getting a promotion (21 per cent), fewer meetings (17 per cent) and a shorter commute (16 per cent).
Notably, three-quarters (74 per cent) said they’ve talked to a mental-health professional about work-related stress, while 88 per cent have talked to their manager or human resources about their burnout.
Read: 57% of U.S. workers experiencing some level of burnout: survey