Court denies Nortel employees’ appeal

Judge Karen Weiler of the Court of Appeal of Ontario has denied a leave to appeal motion brought by the Dissenting Nortel Disabled Employees in relation to the Health and Welfare Trust distribution. Her decision came down on Friday.

The employees now have 60 days to decide if they will file an application for leave to the Supreme Court of Canada.

A release by the trust beneficiaries claims the denial of the leave to appeal further heightens the urgency of finding a government solution for self-insured disability income plans and for the financial and health distress of the Nortel disabled employees.

Marie White, past national chairperson of the Council for Canadians with Disabilities says, “Canadians who are disabled are worthy of better treatment and support than what has been given to the Nortel disabled employees. We are all only an accident or health condition away from requiring insurance to protect our income. All should remember that we are only temporarily able-bodied. Disability issues are issues for all Canadians and the current example of the Nortel Disabled Employees reinforces that.”

Ex-Nortel employee Greg McAvoy says, “My Nortel brochures promised me long-term disability benefits and a dedicated trust fund was established to protect my benefits, but now these scarce funds are being offered to pay a pensioners’ life insurance settlement for people who are still living now.”

“With Multiple Sclerosis,” he continues, “It’s too late for me to buy real disability insurance. I urge Canadians to go out and buy personal long-term disability insurance and opt out of your so-called self-insured disability income benefit plans at work, even if it costs you more money.”

Related Links:

Nortel: pension gains, benefits pains
Nortel employees seek legal clarity around health and welfare trust
Leave to appeal decision