Have your say: Have you used all of your benefits for the year?

It’s that time of year again. Have you bought and wrapped your presents? Have you finished your holiday baking? And, most importantly, have you used up all of your benefits for the year?

Have your say: Have you used all of your benefits for the year?

For many, the month of December marks a scramble to the finish line as plan members wrap up their annual claims: buying a new pair of glasses, getting a massage and visiting the dentist. Others have been steadily using their benefits plan throughout the year, aware that their coverage is an integral part of their overall total reward package that they should take advantage of. But while many service providers, particularly those on the paramedical side, will often prod people to squeeze in an appointment before the end of the year, some people still view their benefits as insurance that they should only use for their actual needs rather than something to maximize.

So which category do you fit in? Have you used all of your benefits for the year? If you haven’t, is it because you view your benefits more as insurance or have you just not had the time to get to appointments? Have your say in this week’s online poll.

Read: What are the weirdest workplace holiday gifts?

Last week’s poll asked whether your company was having an organization-wide holiday party this year. Nearly half (42 per cent) of respondents said their organization has maintained the traditional holiday party, while 14 per cent said it had ended big holiday parties long ago.

Another 18.5 per cent said their organization still supports smaller gatherings of individual business groups. The remaining 25.5 per cent of respondents said there are no big parties, but individual groups are free to organize something on their own initiative.