Moms more likely than dads to have work-home conflict

Canadian moms are more likely than dads to experience conflicts between work and parenthood, a 2015 survey by says.

Specifically, 33% of working moms say they’ve been asked to work less by at least one of their children, compared to 27% of working dads. Women are also more likely than men to feel their work has negatively affected their relationship with their children (38% of women versus 34% of men).

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Additionally, 44% of working Canadian moms and 40% of working dads say they’d be willing to take a pay cut to spend more time with their kids. Only 23% of working moms would be unwilling to take a pay cut, compared to 34% of working dads.

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Working moms are also more likely than working dads to take a leave from the workforce under the right circumstances. Nearly two in five working moms say they are “somewhat” or “very” likely to leave their job if their partner makes enough money for the family to live comfortably, as opposed to 27% of working dads who say the same.

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And 41% of working moms are the sole financial providers for their households, compared to 56% of working dads.

The national survey polled 95 working mothers and 100 working fathers with children 18 years old and younger who are living at home with them.