OPSEU appoints pension analyst to OPTrust’s board

OPSEU has appointed Giulia Volpe to OPTrust’s board of trustees.

Volpe is a pension analyst with the Ontario Pension Board in Toronto. She has more than a decade of experience in public sector pension plan administration, primarily providing front-line client service to OPB’s members and pensioners.


Read: Alan Hibben named to OPTrust’s board of trustees

Volpe is also a strong union activist with considerable labour relations knowledge. She has held the roles of labour management committee co-chair and interim co-chair with OPB’s joint occupational health and safety committee. Most recently, she was elected to serve as the vice-president of OPSEU Local 568.

OPTrust’s board of trustees has overall responsibility for the administration of the plan and the management of the assets to ensure it can deliver retirement security to its almost 87,000 members, pensioners and their dependants.

Read: OPTrust executives in Washington to promote Canadian pension model