Mental illness in the workplace costs the Canadian economy $17.7 billion annually due to lost productivity and absenteeism, an amount which could be lessened by creating more supportive work environments and the use of statistics, according to a report.

A Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) study of employment data of over 10,000 workers from a large Canadian employer indicates that the strongest predictor for workplace disability leaves is a person’s history of occurrences. Workers who have a history of physical disability are twice as likely to take leave again while those with a mental illness are seven times more likely to reoccur.

According to the study, this disparity is primarily due to the chronic nature of mental illness and inadequate availability of resources for workers who suffer from such ailments.

“Often the support and services available to employees when they return to work does not address the chronic nature of mental illness,” says Dr. Carolyn Dewa, head of CAMH’s work and well-being research and evaluation program. “It’s important that employers implement a continuum of care and support — both to help prevent a person from needing to go on leave, as well as to help maintain their mental wellness upon their return to work.”

Further, mental illness often requires a holistic approach to treatment involving more than just doctors and therapy, says Dr. David Goldbloom, CAMH’s senior medical advisor. “Successful management of mental illness involves proper follow-up care and medication, counseling, social support both from loved ones and the workplace, as well as ongoing access to meaningful employment,” he says. “All these may need to come together in order to get better and stay better.”

The study illustrates the circumstances faced by Robin, a former teacher who developed severe depression following an injury. Her employer exacerbated her health issues due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of her condition, making it difficult for her to return to work.

“During my leave of absence, there was constant pressure to return to work,” she says. “I felt that my employer was not fully aware of what supports needed to be in place to help my transition, which made it difficult for me to return.”

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