This year was an interesting one for the pension industry. After expanding the Canada Pension Plan was put on hold in late 2013, Ontario went ahead and decided to create its own plan.

As we look back at the news over the past year, here are the five of the most popular stories published on in 2014.

2014 Top 100 Pension Funds Report: Celebrate good times
Enjoying recent gains, pension funds are turning their attention to a new challenge: keeping them.
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Details about Ontario Retirement Pension Plan revealed
The Government of Ontario is moving forward with a new mandatory provincial pension plan, the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan.
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The problem with an Ontario pension plan
The Ontario government presented its details about the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan. Sadly, I wish they figured out how bad this idea is before releasing details of the plan.
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Do retirement plans really attract and retain employees?
Employers agree that retention and attraction of quality employees is one of their biggest goals in the HR department. Popular belief tells us that a benefits package including group retirement is one of the tools used to attract and retain employees…but is it?
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Time to change the OAS indexing formula?
After a number of false starts (and there may be more yet), the goal of pension reform in Canada seems to have zeroed in on helping middle-income Canadians maintain their standard of living into retirement.
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