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Half (51 per cent) of women in the U.S. aged 65 who are entering their peak retirement years have less than $100,000 saved, with the percentage rising (67 per cent) among single women, according to a new survey by Artemis Strategy Group on behalf of non-profit the Alliance for Lifetime Income. The survey, which polled more than 2,500 consumers between […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 25, 2024 July 24, 2024
  • 15:00

Three times a year, the roughly 600 employees of Friesens Corp. gather in front of the printing house to accept envelopes, each one holding a cheque for the workers’ share of company profits. They all get a cut because they’re all owners. The company, based in the small town of Altona, Man., is set up […]


Retirement plan members who engage with their plan digitally have an average retirement account balance 230 per cent higher than those who weren’t engaged ($123,800 versus $51,800), according to a new report by Sun Life Financial Inc. The report, which analyzed data from 1.45 million Sun Life group retirement plan members, found employees who were were digitally engaged are also more […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 16, 2024 July 15, 2024
  • 09:00

Nearly three-quarters (70 per cent) of U.S. employers say their company’s benefits package is critical to attracting and retaining the best workers, according to a new report by LIMRA. It found half (51 per cent) of employers believe their company will be offering more benefits in the future than it does today and another six […]

  • By: Staff
  • July 10, 2024 July 9, 2024
  • 09:00

Academics from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the University of Victoria have released a report calling on the federal government to make permanent its new partial capital gains tax exemption for sales of existing firms to employee ownership trusts and extend it to worker cooperatives. In its 2024 budget, the federal government released further […]

When Phillip Kotanidis took over as chief human resources officer at Toronto’s Michael Garron Hospital in 2018, the financial well-being of staff wasn’t exactly high on his agenda. In such a fast-paced and potentially stressful workplace, money matters naturally took a backseat to the physical and mental health of the hospital’s staff, who are members […]

The Medicus Pension Plan, a defined benefit multi-employer pension plan designed exclusively for incorporated physicians in Canada, reported a funded status of 158 per cent on a going-concern basis and a 115 per cent funded status on a solvency basis as of Jan. 1, 2024. The plan, which launched in May 2023, is designed to […]


Dollar cap match formulas could distribute employer contributions to 401(k)s more equitably than other common match formulas, according to a new report by Vanguard Inc. The report analyzed more than 1,300 large employer-sponsored plans that are record-kept by Vanguard between 2013 and 2022. It found among two-thirds of plans, employer contributions exacerbate pay inequity and […]

  • By: Staff
  • June 11, 2024 June 11, 2024
  • 09:00

Online gig economy platform Taskrabbit Inc. is providing U.S. gig workers with retirement benefits through a new initiative. The program, in partnership with financial services firm Robinhood Markets Inc., provides workers with access to a match program for individual retirement account contributions. During the first year of enrolment, workers receive a two per cent match on […]

Nearly two-thirds (63 per cent) of Americans say they worry more about running out of money than death, up from 57 per cent in 2022, according to a new survey by the Allianz Life Insurance Co. of North America. The survey, which polled more than 1,000 employees with $150,000 investable assets, found generation X was […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 30, 2024 May 29, 2024
  • 09:00