Keyword: return to work

82 results found

As Canadians watch the U.S. reopen with life returning to normal in various stages, in addition to thoughts of attending sporting events, concerts and gathering with loved ones, employees are also starting to think about what their daily routines will look like in a post-coronavirus pandemic world. For those employees who moved to remote work […]

While more than three-quarters (77 per cent) of Canadians want a hybrid work arrangement once the coronavirus pandemic recedes, a majority (81 per cent) expressed concern that their companies aren’t ready or equipped to successfully manage this model, according to a new survey by KPMG in Canada. The survey, which polled more than 2,000 Canadian […]

The vast majority (95 per cent) of Canadian working mothers said they didn’t receive any formal support from their employer during their maternity leave transition, according to a new report by advocacy group Moms at Work. The survey, which polled more than 1,000 Canadian women who took maternity leave in the last 10 years, found […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 27, 2021 May 26, 2021
  • 08:45

Women are more likely than men to embrace the flexibility of remote working during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to a global survey by FlexJobs. The survey, which polled more than 2,000 people between March and April 2021, found 68 per cent of women respondents said they prefer working remotely, compared to 57 per cent […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 26, 2021 May 26, 2021
  • 08:45

A majority (81 per cent) of North American organizations are planning for their employees to return to work onsite once the coronavirus pandemic recedes, while 13 per cent are actively considering it and three per cent are not, according to a 2021 survey by Aon. The survey, which polled more than 1,400 organizations in April, […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 25, 2021 May 25, 2021
  • 08:55
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When a 46-year-old woman was diagnosed in early 2016 with stage-two triple-negative breast cancer, she started planning her return to full-time work at almost the same time she began treatment. “It’s interesting because when we think of return-to-work planning, we think of starting to talk about this toward the end of the treatment phase,” said […]

Co-ordinated treatment plan required to get staff with depression back to work

With depression rapidly becoming the primary reason for workplace impairment and disability claims, it’s important to understand the role work plays in maintaining good health. “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness,” said Dr. Pratap Chokka, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Alberta and consultant psychiatrist at Grey Nuns Hospital, during […]

  • By: Sonya Felix
  • November 27, 2020 November 27, 2020
  • 07:51
Five lessons for employers to apply to the pandemic’s second wave

As coronavirus cases rise across the country and some return-to-work plans become return-to-home plans, many employers are wondering how to help their employees adapt once again as the second wave of the pandemic slams into Canada. Will there be another lockdown this year? Will children be expected to learn remotely again while employees work? How can we, as […]

Without vaccine, business as unusual for employers likely to continue until early 2022

Canadian employers that were hoping to get back to business as usual this fall have had those hopes dashed as the second wave of the pandemic pummels hospitals, as well as bottom lines and return-to-office plans. Our country is nowhere near herd immunity, which means without a safe and effective vaccine we’re still nowhere near returning to how […]

KPMG in Canada is introducing an app to help its employees — and other organizations — manage the return-to-work process. The workforce safeguarding app, which was launched this week, aims to accelerate the safe return of employees to their physical workplaces. Designed to create connected experiences with staff and promote health and safety, it includes critical information […]