Long waits for healthcare cost $1.2 billion

Long waits for surgeries and medical treatments in 2014 cost Canadians $1.2 billion in lost income and productivity, finds a Fraser Institute study.

The Private Cost of Public Queues for Medically Necessary Care notes that each of the 937,345 patients waiting for surgery last year bore an average personal cost of $1,289 (measured by the value of time lost during the work week).

Read: Wait times not improving

When hours outside the traditional work week are accounted for—evenings and weekends, excluding eight hours of sleep per night—the estimated cost of waiting jumps to $3.7 billion, or an average of $3,929 per patient.

“Clearly, waiting for healthcare can cause immense pain and discomfort, and puts people at risk of further disability and death,” says Bacchus Barua, Fraser Institute senior economist and study co- author. “What we often don’t fully grasp, however, is the fact that patients are losing valuable time as they wait for medically necessary treatment.”

Read: The cost of wait times

“Whether it’s actually lost income from not working, lower productivity, or reduced engagement with friends and family, waiting is costing Canadians dearly.”

The study draws upon data from the Fraser Institute’s Waiting Your Turn study, an annual survey of physicians across Canada in 12 major medical specialties that measures wait time for medical care.

In the 2014 survey, the nation’s medical professionals reported an average median wait time from specialist appointment to treatment of 9.8 weeks—up from a decade low of eight weeks in 2009.

Read: Dutch healthcare system outperforms Canada’s

“Without sensible policy reform, these waits will continue to be a detriment to not only the health of Canadian patients, but to their pocketbooks, their quality of life, and our overall economy,” Barua adds.

As wait times and incomes vary by province, so does the cost of public healthcare queues.

Average value of time lost during the work week for each patient waiting for medical care (by province) are:

  • Nova Scotia: $2,081
  • Alberta: $1,848
  • Manitoba: $1,797
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: $1,746
  • Prince Edward Island: $1,636
  • British Columbia: $1,514
  • New Brunswick: $1,167
  • Quebec: $995
  • Ontario: $959
  • Saskatchewan: $813