New online tool offers mental-health help in a box

MHIB Global Inc. is rolling out an online tool to help improve mental health in the workplace.

The online tool, called Mental Health in a Box, is designed for both small and mid-sized organizations that lack extensive human resources departments, as well as large companies that can tie it into their existing mental-health programming.

“This is an effective and convenient way for employers to build a work environment that is psychologically safe and healthy for all,” said Julie Holden, co-founder and executive vice-president of MHIB Global, in a press release.

“According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the direct and indirect costs of mental health can exceed four per cent of gross domestic product, which in Canada is approaching $70 billion a year. Illness and problems associated with mental health are the leading cause of short-term and long-term disability in the Canadian workplace. This is the first online tool that can tackle it in a cost-effective way.”

Read: Majority of Canadians suffering from a mental-health issue, sleeping disorder: survey

The tool is comprised of four facets: a knowledge survey to help measure employee awareness of mental health; an e-learning program for managers and frontline employees and an online forum for managers to ask questions; a mental-health risk assessment tool; and a virtual medical clinic to help improve access to help and speed up the time spent waiting to receive care.

The virtual clinic is supported by EQ Care, which offers video visits with doctors, while the risk assessment tool was crafted by the Mood Disorders Association of Ontario.

“Mental Health in a Box can help reduce the stigma that is associated with mental health and improve the skills of managers, assist with early identification of mental-health issues and allow for faster access to care when it is needed,” said Joseph Ricciuti, co-founder and board chair of MHIB Global, in the release.

Read: 85% of Canadians agree mental-health services are underfunded: survey