Global Featured Speaker, Dr. Christian Raubach

story_images_headshots-Christian-RaubachOne of the most hotly contested issues among investors is whether one should invest actively or passively.

At the Global Investment Conference, Dr. Christian Raubach, Managing Partner with Wegelin Asset Manage will talk to this question in detail, cover the more general issue of what “passive” actually means and in doing so – by implication indirectly – address the issue of what should be considered as “active”.

What implications do these results hold for the investment management industry going forward? Will EMH increasingly be put into question by investors? Will superior financial theories, which are verified by empirical research, continue to gain ground? Could this lead to a new breed of indexing method, which would steadily gain increased acceptance within the investor community? The revolution in indexing methods is undoubtedly well under way.

Christian is also head of Institutional Clients International for the firm. Before joining Wegelin & Co., he was a partner at McKinsey & Company’s Greater China office in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. He co-authored the book titled Banking in Asia – Acquiring a Profit Mindset and was a frequent columnist in Asia’s financial papers with articles on capital market topics. He received his Ph.D. in Finance from the University of St. Gallen.

For more information about the conference, please visit Global Investment Conference.