Need a Real Estate Debate Update?


Launched on January 21, the first Canadian Investment Review online debate of 2010 is well underway.

As a major force on economic stability, real estate has historically been a solid investment. But returns don’t come easy, as we saw in 2008-2009. Plan sponsors have to dig deep and have faith. Is now the time to invest in real estate? Is it only a big plan’s game, or can smaller plans take the plunge?

Each of the participants have weighed in with opening statements and rebuttals. Moderator, Peter S. Jarvis, executive director of the Toronto CFA Society noted that whenever an investment program is begun, added to or adjusted the question of timing cannot be ignored, particularly when dealing in illiquid asset classes. The why may seem obvious, but the reasons are worth repeating.

Votes are streaming in and now stand at 70% pro and 30% against investing in real estate. Calvin Jordan, Chief Executive Officer with the NSAHO pension plan has posted their organizations case study in his guest analysis and is definitely worth the read.

Join the debate.