While half (51 per cent) of U.S. workers say improving employee well-being is a key action that employers can take to create a healthy workplace culture, just a third (30 per cent) say their employer has increased its focus on well-being over the last year, according to a new survey by Eagle Hill Consulting.
The survey, which polled more than 1,300 workers, found more than half (54 per cent) said their employer’s focus on employee well-being remained steady, while a fifth (17 per cent) said there’s less of a focus at their workplace.
Nearly three-quarters of workers said a healthy workplace culture impacts their ability to do their best work (73 per cent) and drives their productivity and efficiency (72 per cent).
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When asked about who impacts organizational culture, nearly all (86 per cent) respondents cited the company’s workforce, followed by managers (79 per cent), human resources leaders (75 per cent) and executive leadership (69 per cent).
While half (51 per cent) said their employer’s culture is roughly the same as other companies, 39 per cent said their employer’s culture is better than most organizations and 10 per cent said it’s worse.
“The most successful companies are intentional about their culture and employee well-being,” said Melissa Jezior, president and chief executive officer of Eagle Hill Consulting, in a press release. “Company culture doesn’t just magically happen. Leaders must define their company culture, manage and monitor culture and model the behaviours they want to see across the workforce. You can bet that when culture isn’t a high priority, a company isn’t competitive, recruitment and attrition are chronic problems and reputational issues emerge.”
Read: 57% of employees considering quitting jobs for roles with more well-being support: survey