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Michael Tsourounis

The fundamentals of the Canadian housing market are incredibly strong because they’re underpinned by a significant imbalance of supply and demand that will be present for many years to come, said Michael Tsourounis, managing partner and head of real estate at Hazelview Investments, during the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Risk Management Conference. Any time there’s an imbalance […]

It’s important for institutional investors to view risk mitigation as a way to improve the risk-return proposition and not as a way to express a bearish view on markets, said Rémi Tétreault, associate vice-president at Trans-Canada Capital, during the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2024 Global Investment Conference in April. “It’s about performing well in a wide […]

An active manager only adds value for clients through three distinct ways: interpreting information through their research and decision-making, the way they manage risk through their portfolio construction and the way they engage as active owners in the businesses they’re invested in, said John Chisholm, investment director of global and international equities at Schroders, during […]

It’s the right time for institutional investors to commit allocations to the emerging markets asset class, said Andrew Ness, portfolio manager of emerging markets equity at Franklin Templeton Investments Ltd., during the Canadian Investment Review‘s 2024 Global Investment Conference in April. “We’re seeing an opportunity where the cyclical drivers are meeting the secular drivers of […]

Active ownership, accompanied by a concrete set of stewardship goals, is critical for long-term value creation, said Delaney Greig, director of investor stewardship at the University Pension Plan, during a session at the Canadian Investment Review’s 2024 Global Investment Conference in April. The UPP, which was established in 2021 as a jointly sponsored defined benefit pension […]


The recent pressure put on Canadian pensions plans from private managers and governments to re-discover an investment home bias has been met with little enthusiasm, despite special interest by both federal and provincial governments to potentially tap pension fund capital for infrastructure given that current expenditure eats up a large share of the budget. Infrastructure […]

Three-quarters (74 per cent) of U.S. defined contribution pension plan sponsors say they’ll review plan fees throughout 2024, according to a new survey by investment consulting firm Callan. The survey, which polled more than 130 DC plan sponsors, found that half of respondents said they’re likely to move to lower-cost investment vehicles in 2024, up […]

  • By: Staff
  • May 8, 2024 May 8, 2024
  • 15:00

The Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec is reporting $53 billion in low-carbon assets, including $15 billion in Quebec, representing an overall increase of $35 billion in low-carbon assets since 2017, according to the investment organization’s latest sustainable investing report. It found the investment organization has more than $330 billion in assets with a […]

  • By: Staff
  • April 16, 2024 April 16, 2024
  • 09:00

Well hello there! We may have met during one of Benefits Canada’s and the Canadian Investment Review’s many events throughout the year, but if we haven’t, I’m usually helming our daily online news coverage from behind the scenes, while contributing to the monthly print magazine. You’ll be seeing me in this space for the next few […]

As global markets navigate turbulent economic waters, active management is proving once again to be a lifeline for institutional investors to ensure their portfolios ride out the storm. Pension funds are currently operating amid uncertainty and potential risk, says Ruslan Goyenko, an associate professor of finance at McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management. “There are […]